Senior Regional Bishop Jacob Vadlapati, was born in September 1972 to the late Mr.Venkata Rao Vadlapati & Mrs. Bhagyavathi Vadlapati. At the age of 18, he accepted Christ Jesus as his personal Saviour. He has been involved in the church activities from his childhood. He is married to married Mary Vadlapati and the Lord has blessed them with 3 children.
He has been with the ministry of the Mount Zion 7th Day Church of God (UK International Conference for the past 18 years. He was ordained as the Senior Regional Bishop for the South Asia Conference in February 2020. As Senior Regional Bishop his vision is to win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. He believes that India needs more servants of Christ to proclaim His Good News in these end days. As Jesus said to his disciples “the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few”, (Math.9:37). KJV